ACSA Future Leaders Program
The objective of the program is to grow potential future snowmobile community leaders, while increasing personal knowledge at a national level regarding snowmobiling as a safe, fun and environmentally friendly family sport.
This is a national program that will be targeting two age groups, 21–30-year-old snowmobile enthusiasts known as the Next Gen National Riders and 16–20-year-olds known as the Trail Blazers In Training.
ACSA Future Leaders Volunteer Coordinator Position
The American Council of Snowmobile Associations is seeking a volunteer coordinator to administer and grow their newly formed ACSA Future Leaders Program.
Therefore, if you enjoy working with younger adults, who also are snowmobile enthusiasts, while also mentoring them through a leadership program, this volunteer position is for you.
Applications are open until December 31st, 2024.
Position Description
- Position Title: ACSA Future Leaders Coordinator
- Supervisor or Whom Person Reports: ACSA Board of Directors
- Position Summary: The position is responsible for the oversight, growth, and maintenance of the ACSA Future Leaders program with appropriate guidance provided by the ACSA Board of Directors.
- Responsibilities
- Provide guidance to the Next Generation National Riders (NGNR) and the Trail Blazers in Training (TBIT) ACSA representatives as they navigate the program.
- Provide effective communication between the NGNR and TBIT representatives.
- Effectively manage allocated budget funds for the program.
- Co-approve with ACSA Board requests for reimbursement of funds that are received from program participants.
- Help create and provide oversight of ACSA Future Leaders Program webpage and social media platforms informing others about the program along with providing resources for other states.
- Order and maintain promotional materials needed to administer the program within budget guidelines.
- Attending as able, Regional Trail and Mountain Group meetings, ISC and DC Fly-in.
- Participate in requested ACSA Board meetings providing updates on program progress.
- Work with ACSA membership states to help grow their youth and young adult snowmobile leadership programs.
- Coordinate on-line leadership training for NGNR and TBIT representatives, along with advertising and opening it up to ACSA membership states.
- Coordinate and/or communicate in person leadership development and advocating opportunities for NGNR and TBIT representatives such as the following: Take a Friend Riding Events, Snowmobile Safey Clinics offered, Hay Days, Snow Shows, State or National Legislative Events.
- Recruit applicants to program each year and provide oversight of selection of the program participants.
- Report annual outcomes of program to ACSA Board and Membership.
- Help coordinate financial fundraising to support program annually.
- Competencies:
- Positive attitude and outgoing personality
- Ability to operate a computer, internet, email and accounting software
- Knowledge of computer software operation: MS Office, MS Excel, & MS Word
- General Math skills
- Ability to communicate verbally and written
- Qualifications: minimum education required for job
- Must have a valid driver’s license
- Must complete a valid background check
- High School diploma, with experience with experience in leadership programs is a plus.
- Summary of work conditions: The ACSA Future Leaders program is a volunteer position with the ability to work from home while developing and administering program maintenance. Reliable Internet access and some Software subscriptions (Zoom), MS Office are needed, and fair compensation would be provided. A personal laptop to help administer the program is also needed.
- Compensation: Travel and per diem reimbursement to attend required events as applicable funds may available.
About ACSA
ACSA is a national organization uniting the snowmobile community and promoting snowmobiling as a safe, fun and environmentally friendly family sport.
Snowmobiling is enjoyed by millions and must be represented by a strong national organization. ACSA is that organization.
Join ACSA today to help us in our mission to promote snowmobiling.
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American Council of Snowmobile Associations
P.O. Box 1670
Brighton, MI 48116
info@snowmobilers.orgPhone: (517) 351-4362